When to Use a Credit Memo
Enter a Credit Memo/Refund to record a return when a customer returns items for which you have already recorded an invoice or sales receipt.
From time to time, you will create an invoice, and a patient will return requesting a credit for defective materials or for other reasons. (Also see Refund Item and Adjustment Items)
To create a Credit Memo, select the Credit Memos option in the Accounting Module, this will display the credit memo list. This list displays all credit memos for patients (Patient Credit Memo tab) and for insurance companies ( Insurance Credit Memo tab).
The Search Criteria in the left section of the screen permits users to select the credit memos they wish to view.
New Patient Credit Memo button : creates a new credit memo for a patient.
New Insurance Company Credit Memo button: creates a new credit memo for Insurance company.
Open Credit Memo button: opens the selected credit memo highlighted in the grid. You can also open by double-clicking on the desired credit memo.
Important Review the Security settings associated with Credit Memos (see System Security). If you are not authorized for the credit memo feature, you may not be able to create Credit Memos.
Credit Memo
The Credit Memo screen displays the credit memo information.
Patient No: (patient credit memo) The Patient can be selected by clicking on the button located at the end of the Patient No field.
Name: (Insurance credit memo) The Insurance Name can be selected by clicking on the button located at the end of the name field.
Address, City, Province/State,Postal Code, Country: Automatically filled in by the selected patient or insurance record.
Credit Memo No. Automatically filled in by Filopto
Date Created: The date for the credit memo
Credit Amount: The amount to be credited
Balance Owing: Partial use of credit memos can be applied to an invoice, the balance owing is the balance not used up.
Transfer Balance to Another Patient: Transfer a Credit Memo balance to another patient (example a family members)
Notes Tab: The notes explaining why the credit Memo was issued.
Invoices Credited Tab: This tab displays the invoices where the credit memo was applied. Credit Memos can be applied to more than one invoice until the balance owing reaches $0.00.
Note: Credit memos that have been created cannot be deleted. To deactivate a credit memo place the Credit Amount to a value of $0.00. No limit exists on the number of Credit Memos you can create.
The following sections of the Credit memo screen contain a navigation bar and search features to locate and sort Credit memos.
Apply Credit Memo
When making a Payment on an Invoice a Credit memo screen may pop up if there are any available credit for the patient. The following screen will pop up for you to apply or not any available Credit Memo. If no Credit Memo is available the screen is not presented to the user.
Once you selected any available credits you can proceed to enter the payment information.