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patient ARThe Patient Accounts Receivable Manager provides some basic lookup capabilities on patient invoices.





The Patient Accounts Receivable Management screen is divided into two sections. The left section presents the selection criteria for aging of accounts due by either selecting all AR or specifying a Patient, Provider, Branch or Department. The right section displays the information based on you search criteria.


Patient's Lastname & Apply Search Criteria permits users to locate a patient in the AR list displayed.


Various columns of the display grid can be sorted to view the data in the order required.


Aging of the accounts is also displayed at the bottom of the screen.



Print AR Report


The print Reports button allows the user to print the accounts aging reports for the data displayed.  Note that the selection criteria chosen for the display will also apply to the selected report.  Therefore, if you select a branch and department, the AR report generated will only contain the Patients associated with that branch or department.  To apply a selection criteria, click on the Apply Search Criteria button.  (Note: Pending invoices are not included in the aging reports.)


A manual AR report is also available which permits users to customize the output of the report.  The manual AR report support the following criteria:


1 - All Patients

2 - By Doctor

3 - By Department

4 - By Office and Doctor

5 - By Department and Doctor