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Navigation: Troubleshooting

Canvas does not allow drawing error

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If a printer is not functioning properly or you are missing a default printer (default printer cannot be the default Windows fax printer) you may receive the following error when trying to print.


Canvas Error



The error is just stating that Windows cannot send the preview or print job to the printer.  Select a working printer and set it as the default printer to fix your issue.


Open the Windows Printer & Scanner option in Windows setting screen.  


You will see which printer is defined as your default printer(1)


If you do not see any printer defined as your default it may be due to the Windows managing your default printer(2).  Remove the check mark in this field(2) to permit you to set a default printer.


Printer Scanners


Select the printer you want to use as default.




Select the Manage option (3)

Select the Set as default option (4)

