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Filopto Help Manual



The Filopto Help file contains links to some Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


How do I find help to answer my Question?


The Help file has a table of content (Index) listing that can easily be searched.  First look at the Help INDEX  (1) for items starting with How, How to, How do, Where, Why and What, which gives references to the what, how, and where a task can be accomplished.  Please refer to this extensive list to find your answer.


You may also look at the FAQ section(2)  in the Table of Content.






How do I create an Appointment type?

In the Office Manager Section in the System Settings under Scheduler you will find the Appointment Type and Recall setup option.  Enter your new appointment types in this setup table. (See: Appointment Type and Recall setup )


How do I find a Patient Appointment?

Go to the Scheduler click on the Find An Existing Patient Appointment Findappointmentand enter the patient information.  it will display a list of appointments for the Patient.  Select the appointment you want to review and click on the OK button to go to the appointment in the scheduler screen. (See Find An Existing Patient Appointment )


How do I find the Next available Appointment?

You have two options look at the scheduler screen to find the next available time slot or in the Scheduler click on the Find Next Available Appointment Time findfreeappttimeand enter the appointment time criteria to list the available time slots. (See Find Next Available Time).



How do I place and Appointment on the Waiting List?

In the Appointment Screen place a check mark on the field "Place on Waiting List. (See Waiting List)



How do I take an Appointment off the Waiting List?

In the scheduler screen click on the waiting list tab and select the appointment you want to schedule.  Drag the appointment from the waiting list to the scheduler time slot you wish to schedule. (see Waiting List)


Why is my Scheduler blank?

When you opened the Scheduler a message appeared stating that no Provider/Doctor has been selected in the Scheduler.  In the Scheduler place a check mark beside the Provider name(s) you want the scheduler to display.  This option is located at the bottom left of the scheduler screen.  (See: Select Doctor/Provider )


How do I show more than one day in the Scheduler?

The Scheduler has two calendars at the left of the screen.  If you drag your mouse over dates you wish to see the scheduler will show the highlighted dates. ( See: Selection Calendar )


How to block the type of appointments available for a time period?

Filopto can restrict the type of appointments that can be taken during specific time periods.  You must use the time blocks to identify the type of appointments that can be scheduled during a period of time.  (see Time Blocks)