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Filopto Help Manual


Order in which Insurance Business rules are applied:


1) Item Specific

2) Item Inventory Category

3) Item Inventory Group

4) Item Type

5) Default Inventory Price



Filopto applies the first insurance business rule it encounters for the given item in the order listed above.  If no rules applies then the default price listed for the item in the inventory will be used.



Item Specific : If a specific rule has been created for the item this is the rule that will be used. Filopto will not continue searching for an applicable rule.


Item Inventory Category: If the item is a member of the specified Inventory Category then the rule for the category will apply.  Filopto will not continue searching for an applicable rule.


Item Inventory Group:  If the item is a member of the specified Inventory Group then the rule for the group will apply.  Filopto will not continue searching for an applicable rule.


Item Type:  If the item is a member of the specified Inventory Type then the rule for the Inventory Type will apply. Filopto will not continue searching for an applicable rule.