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Filopto Help Manual


EMR Screen that support the import and manipulation of images also contains several tools to assist users in managing the image.




Load image: permit user to load any image from their system/network into the Exam record


Edit Image: permit users to edit and image using the edit tools


Compare With another Image: permits users to compare two images


Save to Disk: permit users to save an image to their PC hard drive.





ImageZoomThe Zoom feature permits users to adjust the size and zoom in or out of a image. The zoom factor is determined by the images type being displayed and may vary from 10X to 1000X.  In addition a user can click on the left mouse button to Zoom In (next automatic zoom step), the left mouse button to zoom out (next automatic zoom step) or use the mouse wheel to do both actions in a more granular fashion.


The Mouse wheel and mouse click option permit a greater degree of zooming than the image zoom selector which provides the normal zoom for the image type.  If you wish to exceed the amount of zoom from the Zoom selector use the mouse click or mouse wheel option to go above or below the displayed  Zoom selector option.