Create a Purchase Order
Select the New PO button.
The following screen will be displayed.
The Purchase Order screen permits users to enter their purchase orders based on the selected supplier. By selecting the supplier name from the drop-down list, the Purchase Order add item screen is automatically re-adjusted to only display the items that this supplier provides.
The add item dialogue screen permits users to view items to order based on their preference. Filter buttons like the View Inventory Items below the minimum stock levels will display only the items meeting this requirement for the selected supplier. You may also view all items for that particular supplier, or by placing a check mark beside the navigation bar, you may view all items in inventory regardless of the associated supplier. Please note that you may need to press the refresh (rounded arrow) button located on the navigation bar to display the selected information.
To be able to view an inventory item in the Purchase Order selection grid, the item must have a check mark in the "Buy" check box field of the "Type of inventory item" section in the inventory record. Also no check mark must be present in the "Discontinued item" check box. The system filters all items available to be purchased and does not show any item discontinued or marked as an item which you do not buy.
To select the items you wish to order, simply highlight the item. If you wish to order all items displayed, you may select all items at once by choosing the Select all button. If you only have some items that you want to order, you can be selective by holding down the Control Key (Ctrl) and clicking on the items you wish to order. To add the items selected, press the Accept Selection button. Each selected item will be entered in the P.O. screen.
The navigation bar beside the add item button permits users to edit, save, delete, view items and navigate through a P.O.
To enter the quantity of items, price and other particulars, you can directly edit the specific field in the P.O. screen..
The Tax and Shipping costs may also be applied to the P.O. As new items are added, the P.O. is automatically recalculated and displays the total value of the purchase order. (Note: If a tax is required, you must select the tax rate for the P.O. to be calculated.)
Shipping Information Section:
If you select the View/Edit Shipping Address the following screen is displayed.
This section of the purchase order screen allows a user to define where the product is to be shipped. Products can be shipped directly to a patient or any other location you may desire.