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Filopto Help Manual

Navigation: Front Office Tab > Patient  File

Patient Default Settings

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The Patient File Record Default option is located in the System Settings menu and allows a user to pre-load some basic common information into a new patient file. When you create a new patient file, the information entered in this screen will automatically be entered.




This file can be left blank if a user wishes to enter each item manually every time. Its only purpose is to speed up data entry and provide a common starting point for New Patients.


Required Input Fields


Users can define the patient fields that must be entered before a patient record can be saved.  In the System Setting section, users can define the fields that must have an entry before Filopto will allow a patient record to be created.   The Fields located to the right of the screen when checked will be considered required fields by Filopto and a warning message will appear requesting the user to fill in the required field before the new patient file is saved.


