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Security Awareness: A Sound Business Strategy


The Filopto system offers several levels of security to insure that no unauthorized user can access Filopto. However, as with any systems, the security is only as good as the weakest link.  We recommend that proper security be in place for all Workstations and network access as well as physical security to insure that your system is not compromised or stolen.









System security is like an onion,  the more security layers you have, the better protected your core data will be.  Hackers are basically lazy so the harder you can make it to crack your system the less likely that a hacker will try.



Security starts with good physical security followed with good network security.  If any person inside the office can access your data you have no security. You have to not only lock the front door to your office but also the front door to your data.  Lock the access to your server and protect the access to your workstation by using strong passwords or bio security techniques.


Log off users automatically after a set time period to reduce the chance of inappropriate access.


Use the tools in your operating system to tighten your security. Windows can provide a high level of security with minimal configuration.  


Home version of an operating system are not the same as an enterprise version.  PC's bough at your local home retailer are configured to be open an used at home they do not have the security found out of the box on enterprise versions of the operating systems.


Network Firewalls are the starting point, most advanced router firewall can be augmented with blockers(black list)  and Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) which can prevent, guard, detect and mitigate possible attacks.


Each protection level build on the last, to create a higher degree of difficulty in penetrating your defense.  The more difficult it is to penetrate your network, the better protected you are.