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Filopto Help Manual


ICD 9 Codes ( International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems)


The table contains the ICD 9 codes used in the system which can be edited to your specific needs.




To assist users in locating the ICD 9 codes most offend used, you can place a check mark in the Super Bill / Preferred List field of your preferred (most often used) ICD 9 codes.  This will cause these items to be first displayed when selecting a ICD 9 code.  The other ICD 9 codes can still be viewed by removing in the ICD 9 selection screen, at selection time, the option to only see the preferred ICD 9 codes.


 To add an ICD9 code click on the "Click here to add a new ICD9 code" grid row.

 To Edit an ICD9 click on the EDIT ( ^) buttons.


The following is a list of codes for International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems.


List of ICD-9 codes 001–139: infectious and parasitic diseases

List of ICD-9 codes 140–239: neoplasms

List of ICD-9 codes 240–279: endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases, and immunity disorders

List of ICD-9 codes 280–289: diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs

List of ICD-9 codes 290–319: mental disorders

List of ICD-9 codes 320–359: diseases of the nervous system

List of ICD-9 codes 360–389: diseases of the sense organs

List of ICD-9 codes 390–459: diseases of the circulatory system

List of ICD-9 codes 460–519: diseases of the respiratory system

List of ICD-9 codes 520–579: diseases of the digestive system

List of ICD-9 codes 580–629: diseases of the genitourinary system

List of ICD-9 codes 630–679: complications of pregnancy, childbirth, and the puerperium

List of ICD-9 codes 680–709: diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue

List of ICD-9 codes 710–739: diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue

List of ICD-9 codes 740–759: congenital anomalies

List of ICD-9 codes 760–779: certain conditions originating in the perinatal period

List of ICD-9 codes 780–799: symptoms, signs, and ill-defined conditions

List of ICD-9 codes 800–999: injury and poisoning

List of ICD-9 codes E and V codes: external causes of injury and supplemental classification