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Filopto Help Manual



If your business doesn't have a policy on internet usage, it should. Though the web can be an incredibly useful workplace tool, it can also cause significant workplace havoc that can result in lost productivity. Setting some rules protects your business … and your employees.


Why Your Business is at Risk

Web pages contain programs that are usually innocent and sometimes helpful - for instance, animations and pop-up menus. But there are questionable, even malicious websites that have their own agenda, and it's not always in your best interest. When you're surfing the web, site operators can identify your computer on the internet, tell which page you came from, use cookies to profile you and install spyware on your computer - all without your knowledge. Destructive worms can also enter your system through your web browser.


Beyond malicious activities instigated by outsiders, businesses can be put in a vulnerable position by employees who engage in illegal and/or undesirable web activity during work hours and on company-owned computers.


What Your Internet Policy Should Include

When creating a company-wide internet use policy, address the following issues:



Whether employees are allowed to browse the web for personal use as well as business purposes


When employees can use the web for personal use (lunch hours, after-hours, etc.)


If and how the company monitors web use and what level of privacy employees can expect


Web activity that is not allowed. Spell out unacceptable behavior in detail. In many companies this includes:



Downloading offensive content


Threatening or violent behavior


Illegal activities


Commercial solicitations (non-business related)


Provide two copies of the policy to employees - one for them to keep and another for them to sign and return to you.


Tips for Safe Browsing

In addition to having a policy, the following recommendations can also help promote safe web browsing:


Go to trusted sites only


Don't use work computers for idle browsing


Never browse web sites from a server. Always use a client PC or laptop


Use a firewall/router/Proxies. It allows you to filter web addresses and block internet traffic to and from dangerous sites


Consider web-filtering software. Companies such as Websense and Secure Computing offer products that filter internet use based on a variety of criteria