Read and implement this complete section before doing your first transfer to QuickBooks
The Account Setup Screen allows users to assign the QuickBooks accounts to be used during the data transfer from Filopto.
The first tab allows users to specify the Payment Accounts (2) to use. For each payment type entered in Filopto, it is possible to send these transaction types to a specific Cash/Bank Account in QuickBooks. Each account selected will display the QuickBooks internal account name. The QuickBooks account name may be helpful in identifying which account is being used in recording a transaction.
The top section of the screen will display only the insurance payment accounts active in Filopto (Canada Only) you may apply the insurance payments from the insurance connector directly to a specific bank account in your QuickBooks.
The Tax Accounts Setup screen permits users to assign the types of Tax Accounts in Filopto to a specific Tax account in QuickBooks. QuickBooks requires you to identify for each account the item type (typically "Tax on Item") and the vendor you are collecting the tax for (federal or prov/state or local tax authority).
This screen allows a user to specify the accounts to use and establish a start date (Beginning Balance) from which to send financial transactions from Filopto.
IMPORTANT: Once the Transaction Start Date has been established it cannot be changed and the transactions cannot be undone by Filopto. The action of pressing the Create Required Accounts With Opening Balances button will cause several accounts to be created in QuickBooks. You must have completed all the other screens properly before attempting the transfer of the opening balances.
This step can only be done once and is not reversible.
See the next Help section to see the accounts that will be created and used (Accounts Used)