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Accra Cloud Service

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Cloud Computing





Accra Solutions Inc. offers two Cloud services:



1)  Filopto as a Cloud Service


2)  Accra Cloud Backup & File Sharing Service



Filopto as a cloud service



Filopto cloud service is hosted on a Secure/Encrypted Private Enterprise grade cloud platform with strong end user protection.  Our cloud service has no lock-in, meaning your Filopto can be moved from Cloud to Local server at any time.  Your data will always be yours, it is not mixed in with other clients data or not available if you decide to leave.   The Accra Cloud removes the requirements and management duties associated with a local in-house server.  The Cloud service is accessible by:


Any operating system and/or device with an HTML5-compliant web browser.

Any modern web browser (HTML5-compliant) such as IE10/11, Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Opera, etc.

All communication are secured via an encrypted private internet tunnel with military grade 256 Bit AES TLS/SSL security.


For larger organization Microsoft Azure 365 Cloud offers a Windows Remote desktop service similar to the one one available out of the box when using a local Windows server.  (Note unless you have a large organization, the current price point makes it uneconomical for small and medium size organizations (as of August 2021).


It offers the same capabilities as a local network based Filopto system excluding any feature requiring direct local device connectivity. For a comparison of features see (Cloud vs Local Filopto comparison chart).




Accra Backup and File Sharing Service


The Accra Backup Service is a PHI / HIPAA compliant secure/encrypted Backup Service for backing up your Filopto data as well as any other data on secure servers off-site.  Our Cloud base Backup service meets or exceeds all government requirements.  For more information see Accra Remote Backup Service


The Secure File Sharing service allows you to provide files, reports, or other documents in a secure manner to your patients. Once the Patient retrieves the document or file you are advised via a download confirmation email. Files or document shares can be further protected by placing a time expiry date causing the file not be available after the specified date as well as secure the download with an additional password which can be provided to the patient/client by phone or other secure manner.