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Remote Backup Service Manager

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Protect your most valuable business asset; Backup your customer data!


The Accra Cloud Backup Service ensure that the appropriate safeguards—including those for encryption, password restrictions, and data storage—are in place so that the protected health information (PHI) you work with and store remains confidential and secure as required by HIPAA, ePHI, PHI and PIPEDA.


The Accra Backup Service safeguards your data with strong encryption, which includes a required encryption key and the encryption of data during backup and at rest. You can further encrypt your data by using your corporate encryption key (c-key) or personal encryption key which is known only by you. During the backup process, all files are secured with a 256-bit AES encryption key and then transferred to our data center via a secure TLS/SSL connection. And as required by HIPAA, your patient database data remains encrypted while stored at rest in our data center. All incoming data is automatically duplicated across several distinct locations to provide high durability and availability of customer data.


HIPAA Security rules specify that access to PHI data must meet benchmark-based password creation and use. Your Accra Backup Service passwords meet or exceed length and complexity requirements, and password validation is time- and logic-sensitive and requires manual updates. Further, failed login attempts will automatically trigger account lockouts on an IP and user level.


The backup service provides many benefits and security options such as version management to protect your data.  You data can be easily restore using either the application or via the secure web site.






The automated Accra Backup Service is based on a proven industrial strength backup technology used in very large data centers across the world called RSYNC.  The advantage of RSYNC over other backup methods is,  its proven reliability and its Internet friendly capabilities.  The Accra Backup Service is fast, incremental (delta based), and cloud based implementing the RSYNC protocol over HTTPS.  The benefits is less time doing backups and a low Internet bandwidth requirement, saving you money.  Set it up and forget about it, the built in scheduler will do the backups automatically at the times you defined and will notify you via e-mail after each backup that it has completed.


Backing up files using the HTTPS protocol offers several benefits over using conventional backup. In fact, this is the feature that separates us from other backup solutions out there in the market.
Following is a list of some of the benefits of using HTTPS as transport protocol.

Over the Internet - Using Accra Backup Service you can perform remote backups of any machine to our Secure Remote Servers. (meets or exceeds governments secure off-site backup requirements)


Easy to Schedule for complete automated backups with email confirmation of each backup for your records.


Automatic Versions of Backup Files:  By default all backups accounts can support up to 7 backup versions of files.  (If additional versions are required contact Accra to discuss your needs)


Secure - The Backup Service uses 256 AES HTTPS, data crosses the Internet via a completely secure tunnel, using military grade TLS/SSL encryption.  (protect your patient data, stronger than what your bank uses)


Able to Backup open Files - Even with users working in an application Accra Backup can backup the Files (such as Filopto database or Outlooks PST files) using the built-in Microsoft VSS  feature.

Firewall Friendly - Most companies allow HTTPS traffic through their company firewall. Reducing tremendous amount of network administration.


Military Grade Encryption -Your files are encrypted using the military grade AES 256 bit encryption.  (HIPAA requires 128bit)


Private Key Encryption In addition you can further encrypt your data using your own encryption password essentially double encrypting your files making it impossible for anyone except yourself capable of reading them.

Easy Access - Backed up files can be easily accessed either from the custom Accra Backup Client or from a secure web browser. Since the Accra Backup servers can talk to any HTTPS client, all you need are your security codes and a browser to view/restore your backed up files from anywhere in the world at any time.


Exceeds Government Security Requirements With Accra Backup service you can backup all of your important personal and financial information in one simple step.  Accra Backup Service meets or exceeds all HIPAA, PIPEDA  and ePHI and PHI Act online- backup security and privacy regulations.


Works on any Platform - The Accra Backup service was developed to support a large number of operating system platforms  allowing all of our users to quickly and easily backup all of their computers to your secure remote storage server. (MS Windows, Linux, Mac OSX and UNIX)


Automatically restart missed or interrupted backups - The backup Client and server will automatically restart/continue any previously interrupted backup due to Internet failure or other failure reasons.




Accra  Backup Service Online Help is available at: or call 1-888-321-0441 sales department for more information.