The Insurance AR Manager screen provides an on the screen aging of the claims due by a given insurance company. Only claims having an active status are shown.
An Active status means that the claim has been created and submitted and does not have a balance due of $0.00 (Submitted, Rejected, Resubmitted, Payment Received, Receivable or Held are the status that the Insurance AR recognizes as valid for the AR reports).
The user can print detail AR reports by selecting the Reports button and adjusting the view being displayed to show the AR they wish to print. The AR automated print report will print the user selected AR based on the search criteria displayed in the Insurance AR Manager. Users can further create their own AR reports by examining in the AR report the many reports variables available when an AR report is generated.
Company Name & Apply Search Criteria button permits users to locate the insurance company in the list displayed in the grid.
A user may also print the grid list by selecting the Print List button.
Receive Insurance Payments
The Enter Payment button permits the entry of multiple payments from Insurance companies. (see Receive Insurance Payments)
Closing Insurance Claims:
If an invoice's insurance balance due is reduced to zero, all associated claims are marked as closed. If in the insurance A/R, another claim is to be prepared for another insurance company, then the current claim is marked as closed.
The claims that are marked as closed are not used in the insurance A/R reports.
Printing Reports:
Several AR reports are available for printing. Each provide different views of the AR information and the automated report versions are based on the search criteria selected in the AR grid. A manual AR report is also available which permits users to select the report type they require. This report supports the following views:
1 - All Insurance claims
2 - By User defined Insurance groups
3 - By Doctor
4 - By Office
5 - By Department
6 - By Group and Doctor
7 - By Group and Office
8 - By Group and Department
9 - By Group, Office and Doctor
10 - By Group , Department and Doctor
11 - By Office and Doctor
12 - By Department and Doctor