The Insurance AR reporting function is very flexible. Users can create their own reports by copying the Insurance AR report created in Filopto and making the adjustments they require.
To customize your own Insurance AR report following are the elements of the report you require:
The AR report is created using a store procedure called Ins_AR_Stub. This stored procedure has several parameters which a user can define or change to provide a different AR report. For example to run a AR report which contains all insurance companies as of today, a user would create an SQL Query as follows:
Select *
From Ins_AR_Stub ('today',1,0,0,0,0)
As you can see, six parameters are required for the query to execute they are in order:
P_DATE - DATE, The End Date for the AR report
AR_TYPE - INTEGER, Select the AR type from one of the numbers below (enter the number only)
PINS_GROUP_NO - INTEGER, Group Number, the User defined Insurance Group ID number
OFFICE__ID - INTEGER, Office ID number, the office ID number
DOCNO - INTEGER, Provider Employee ID, The provider employee ID number
DEP_ID - INTEGER Department ID, The department ID number
AR_Type can be:
1) All
2) By Group
3) By Doctor
4) By Office
5) By Department
6) BY Group and Doctor
7) By Group and Office
8) By Group and Department
9) By Group, Office and Doctor
10) By Group, Department and Doctor
11) By Office and Doctor
12) By Department and Doctor