The Telephone Autodialer featurepermits easy dialing of a telephone Number via your PC. Located throughout the Filopto system, this icon permits a user to quickly and easily contact a given patient, vendor, doctor, or insurance company by telephone.
To use, click on the Telephone icon and you will be presented with a dialogue box to complete the telephone call. When you select the dial mode, the Autodialer will dial the selected telephone number and advise you to pick up the telephone receiver to begin talking.
The PC must be equipped with a modem or SIP to TAPI software connected to the telephone line for this feature to function. This feature uses the Microsoft Windows TAPI feature. For you to be able to benefit from it, your modem or SIP to TAPI connector must be configured in Windows to use the TAPI settings. See your Windows guide on how to install a TAPI Modem for further information.
The Auto Dialer can work on any telephone system able to use the TAPI standard. Typically it will requires one of the configurations below: analog telephone line and a modem connected to your PC (old telephone line) OR 2.a SIP to TAPI connector for Windows ( used with VOIP based System - Internet based telephone system) OR Analog Telephone adapter(ATA) (used when a combination of analog and VOIP equipment is used together)
VOIP based Systems
To function on a VOIP (Voice over IP - Internet based telephones) system you will require an analog telephone adapter (ATA) connector to convert the analog signal to the digital signal used by VOIP when using an analog modem connected to your PC and/or analog phone.
You may also use a SIP to TAPI software connector if you want your PC to directly use your VOIP phone. Below are some Free and Commercial solutions that are easily installed,
SIPTAPI (works on all SIP platforms)- For Asterix users - Activa for Asterix -