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Filopto Help Manual





The Database Navigation bar allows users to move around in the records of a table or grid. The Database navigation bar can be comprised of one or more buttons, shown above. As you pass your cursor over the button, it will identify its function.



gridfiltering4You are on record #1 of 1265 data records


GoFirstrecord Go To First Record - moves to the First record in the data set being displayed


BackwardsButtonBackward - moves backward in the displayed record set


PriorButtonPrevious Record - moves to the Previous record


NextButtonNext Record - moves to the Next record


ForwardbuttonForward - moves forward in the displayed record set


LastRecordButtonGo To Last Record - moves to the Last record in the data set being displayed


AddRecordButtonAdd a Record - adds a new record


DeleteRecordButtonDelete a Record - deletes the selected record


EditRecordbuttonEdit / Modify Record - goes into edit mode to edit / change the record selected


SavebuttonSave / Post Record - saves the record selected


CancelbuttonCancel Edit - cancels the changes made on the item being edited


Refreshbutton1Refresh Display - refreshes the content of the data set displayed



Filter       Filter Records - opens a display from which you can create a custom filter for selecting the data to view.

