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Filopto Help Manual



The Quick Entry screen has a built in Duplicate Patient File verifier.  This automatic tool will verify that a Patient file with a similar name does not already exist.  If it locates a Patient File which may be a duplicate, it will pop up a display screen informing the user of the possible duplicate file.  The user has the option to select the file shown or create a new patient file using the data entered in the quick entry screen.


Duplicate Patient


To help reduce the possibility of creating duplicate patient a user should always proceed as follows:


1) Try to locate the Patient in the Patient Manager, and then


2) If the patient is not found, use the New Patient button located in the Patient Manager.


By following these simple rules you will minimize the possibility of creating a duplicate patient file and reduce the time spent entering the patient data again for an already existing patient..






Depending where you are in Filopto, the Select Existing Patient button will trigger different actions.  For example;


if you are in an appointment screen, the selected existing patient will be linked to the appointment,

if you are in the stand alone Patient Quick Entry screen,  the Patient Quick Entry screen will close, giving you the ability to go look up the appropriate patient.