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Filopto Help Manual


The Scheduler module tool bar.  As you pass the cursor over each icon, a hint of the function for the button is displayed.




1) Views : user can select multiple calendar views.  Click on the view you wish to display. The user can also view a week at a time by highlighting the week on the calendar displayed with their mouse.  The user can also select specific days by highlighting the days while holding the Ctrl key when doing the selection.



VIEW Option Section


2) Select Office: In a multi-office setting the user can select which office scheduler to view.


3) Grouping:  Users can group the scheduler either by provider or exam rooms. Note that if a patient has not been assigned to a room they will not show up in the scheduler grouped by room.


4) Select Provider:  allows the user to add or remove a provider from the visible scheduler display. A minimum of one provider must be selected for the scheduler to function.


5) Go to Today's date - Display the schedule for today's date


6) Refresh Scheduler


7) Customize Scheduler - User can change the elements shown in the scheduler as well as the time interval being displayed.  Show only specific hours, do not show cancelled appointments and more... ( these changes are only for the user and does not affect other users)



PATIENT Option Section


8) Create a new patient file


9) Create a New Recall - If the patient is highlighted in the scheduler it will create the recall for that patient, if not it will ask the user to select a patient.


10) Find a Patient Next Appointment



APPOINTMENT Option Section


11) Create New Appointment - Create a New Appointment by choosing this icon or double click on the time slot of the scheduler


12) Find next available appointment based on search criteria - user can search available times that would fit a patients needs.


13) Appointment confirmation List - displays for the date specified the tentative appointments


14) Web Appointments :  If you have acquired the web appointment module appoints made via the web will be first displayed in the lower right corner of the screen to advise users that a request has been received.  this icon permits users to view and approve each web appointment.


15) Color legend for appointments



PRINT Option Section


16) Print Appointment list The PRINT button on the tool bar of the Scheduler provides a quick print option for printing doctors /providers daily schedules of appointments. It will print the scheduler grid as displayed.


17) Appointment Reports - List available appointment reports (controlled by administrator). The report print icon in the tool bar provides the user with several options for printing schedules.  Users can define their own reports to use.   A drop down list is displayed showing the user defined reports they can print from the scheduler. Users can add or remove reports from this list.   The reports shown are all reports that have the Preferred flag turn on in the Report Manager Scheduler/Appointment section.


Once the report has been selected, you are presented with a selection dialogue box from which you can select the provider/doctor for whom you wish to generate the report as well as the date for the appointments. Press the OK button and you will be presented with the Windows default printer window from which you can select the printer to use and then print the report.



18)  Today's Current Time


19)  Close/Exit the scheduler