Windows has a built-in voice recognition (dictation) tool that can make the data entry and navigating in Filopto faster.
You can use your voice to control your computer. You can say commands that the computer will respond to, and you can dictate text to the computer.
Before you get started using Speech Recognition, you'll need to set up your computer for Windows Speech Recognition. There are three steps to setting up Speech Recognition: set up your microphone, learn how to talk to your computer, and train your computer to understand your speech.
Before you get started, make certain that your microphone is connected to your computer.
Start the Windows Speech Recognition tool by opening the Windows settings and doing a search for Speech Recognition.
You will need to:
1) Set up your microphone by typing either Microphone in the Cortana search field or going to the control panel. We recommend a quality headset type microphone for best results. Microsoft has warned that its speech recognition features are best suited for headset microphones that interpret sounds with greater clarity and are less susceptible to ambient noise than built-in microphones found in laptops or tablets. Switching microphones after you have started using speech recognition may cause you issues since the quality between both microphones may be different causing the recognition engine to misinterpret your voice. If you’re serious about using speech recognition get a quality microphone.
2) With your mic ready, it’s time to start to Train your computer to recognize your speech. In the control panel find the Speech Recognition control.
The more you use the Speech Recognition tool the more accurate it will become. Expect a minimum of a week of continued use before you reach a high level of accuracy.
Once you have setup your PC for voice recognition start the Speech Recognition tool and place your cursor into the field you want your dictation to be saved into.
Start Dictating. when finished you can say the command to "Insert" or click on the "Insert" button
The following are the more common speech control commands:
Common Speech Recognition commands
To do this |
Say this |
Open Start |
Start |
Open Cortana Note Cortana is only available in certain countries/regions, and some Cortana features might not be available everywhere. If Cortana isn't available or is turned off, you can still use search. |
Press Windows C |
Open Search |
Press Windows S |
Perform an action in an app |
Right-click; Press Windows Z; press ctrl B |
Select an item by its name |
File; Start; View |
Select an item or icon |
Click Recycle Bin; Click Computer; Click file name |
Double-click an item |
Double-click Recycle Bin; Double-click Computer; Double-click file name |
Switch to an open app |
Switch to Paint; Switch to WordPad; Switch to program name; Switch application |
Scroll in one direction |
Scroll up; Scroll down; Scroll left; Scroll right |
Insert a new paragraph or new line in a document |
New paragraph; New line |
Select a word in a document |
Select word |
Select a word and start to correct it |
Correct word |
Select and delete specific words |
Delete word |
Show a list of applicable commands |
What can I say? |
Update the list of speech commands that are currently available |
Refresh speech commands |
Turn on listening mode |
Start listening |
Turn off listening mode |
Stop listening |
Move the Speech Recognition microphone bar |
Move speech recognition |
Minimize the microphone bar |
Minimize speech recognition |
Commands for dictation
To do this |
Say this |
Insert a new line in the document |
New line |
Insert a new paragraph in the document |
New paragraph |
Insert a tab |
Tab |
Insert the literal word (for example, insert the word "comma" instead of the punctuation mark) |
Literal word |
Insert the numeral form of a number (for examples, insert 3 instead of the word three) |
Numeral number |
Put the cursor before a specific word |
Go to word |
Put the cursor after a specific word |
Go after word |
Don't insert a space before the next word |
No space |
Go to the start of the current sentence |
Go to start of sentence |
Go to the start of the current paragraph |
Go to start of paragraph |
Go to the start of the current document |
Go to start of document |
Go to the end of the current sentence |
Go to end of sentence |
Go to the end of the current paragraph |
Go to end of paragraph |
Go to the end of the current document |
Go to end of document |
Select a word in the current document |
Select word |
Select a word range in the current document |
Select word range; Select word through word |
Select all text in the current document |
Select all |
Select a number of words before the location of the cursor |
Select previous 20 words; Select previous 10 words |
Select a number of words after the location of the cursor |
Select next 20 words; Select next 10 words |
Select the last text you dictated |
Select that |
Clear the selection on the screen |
Clear selection |
Capitalize the first letter of a word |
Caps word |
Capitalize all the letters of a word |
All caps word |
Make all the letters in a word lowercase |
No caps word |
Change the next number of words to uppercase |
Change next 10 words to uppercase |
Change the next number of words to lowercase |
Change next 10 words to lowercase |
Delete the previous sentence |
Delete previous sentence |
Delete the next sentence |
Delete next sentence |
Delete the previous paragraph |
Delete previous paragraph |
Delete the next paragraph |
Delete next paragraph |
Delete the selected or last dictated text |
Delete that |
Commands for the keyboard
To do this |
Say this |
Press a key or key combination |
Press keyboard key; Press A; Press capital B; Press Shift plus A; Press Ctrl plus A |
Press certain keyboard keys without saying "press" first |
Delete; Backspace; Enter; Page Up; Page Down; Home; End; Tab |
You can also use the ICAONATO phonetic alphabet. For example, say "press alpha" to press A or "press bravo" to press B.
Speech Recognition commands for the keyboard works only with languages that use Latin alphabets.
Commands for punctuation marks and special characters
To Insert this |
Say this |
, |
Comma |
; |
Semicolon |
. |
Period; Dot; Decimal point |
: |
Colon |
" |
Open double quote; Open quote |
" |
Close double quote; Close quote; Close inverted commas |
' |
Apostrophe |
' |
Open single quote |
' |
Close single quote |
> |
Greater than sign |
< |
Less than sign |
/ |
Forward slash |
\ |
Backslash |
~ |
Tilde |
@ |
At sign |
! |
Exclamation mark; Exclamation point |
? |
Question mark |
# |
Number sign; Pound sign |
$ |
Dollar sign |
% |
Percent sign |
^ |
Caret |
( |
Open parenthesis; Open paren |
) |
Close parenthesis; Close paren |
_ |
Underscore |
- |
Hyphen; Minus sign; Dash |
- |
En dash |
- |
Em dash |
= |
Equal sign |
+ |
Plus sign |
{ |
Open brace; Open curly bracket |
} |
Close brace; Close curly bracket |
[ |
Open bracket; Open square bracket |
] |
Close bracket; Close square bracket |
| |
Vertical bar |
:-) |
Smiley face |
:-( |
Frowny face |
;-) |
Winky face |
™ |
Trademark sign |
¾ |
Three-quarter sign |
¼ |
One-quarter sign |
½ |
One-half sign |
£ |
Pound sterling sign |
& |
Ampersand; And sign |
* |
Asterisk |
// |
Double slash |
` |
Back quote |
< |
Open angle bracket |
> |
Close angle bracket |
± |
Plus or minus sign |
« |
Open angle quote |
» |
Close angle quote |
× |
Multiplication sign |
÷ |
Division sign |
¢ |
Cent sign |
¥ |
Yen sign |
§ |
Section sign |
© |
Copyright sign |
® |
Registered sign; Registered trademark sign |
° |
Degree sign |
¶ |
Paragraph sign |
... |
Ellipsis; Dot dot dot |
ƒ |
Function sign |
Commands for Windows and apps
To do this |
Say this |
Select an item by its name |
File; Start; View |
Select an item or icon |
Click Recycle Bin; Click Computer; Click file name |
Double-click an item |
Double-click Computer; Double-click Recycle Bin; Double-click folder name |
Right-click an item |
Right-click Computer; Right-click Recycle Bin; Right-click folder name |
Minimize all windows to show your desktop |
Show desktop |
Select something if you don't know what it's called |
Show numbers (Numbers will appear on the screen for every item in the active window. Say an item's corresponding number to select it.) |
Select a numbered item |
19 OK; 5 OK |
Double-click a numbered item |
Double-click 19; Double-click 5 |
Right-click a numbered item |
Right-click 19; Right-click 5 |
Open an app |
Open Paint; Open WordPad; Open app name |
Switch to an open app |
Switch to Paint; Switch to WordPad; Switch to app name; Switch application |
Close an app |
Close that; Close Paint; Close Documents |
Minimize |
Minimize that; Minimize Paint; Minimize Documents |
Maximize |
Maximize that; Maximize Paint; Maximize Documents |
Restore |
Restore that; Restore Paint; Restore Documents |
Cut |
Cut that; Cut |
Copy |
Copy that; Copy |
Paste |
Paste |
Delete |
Delete that; Delete |
Undo |
Undo that; Scratch that; Undo |
Scroll in one direction |
Scroll up; Scroll down; Scroll right; Scroll left |
Scroll an exact distance in pages |
Scroll down 2 pages; Scroll up 10 pages |
Scroll an exact distance in other units |
Scroll up 5; Scroll down 7 |
Go to a field in a form or app |
Go to field name; Go to Subject; Go to Address; Go to cc |
Commands for using the mouse
To do this |
Say this |
Show the mousegrid |
Mousegrid |
Move the pointer to the center of a mousegrid square |
Number of the square; 1; 7; 9 |
Select a mousegrid square |
Click number of the square |
Select an item to drag with the mouse |
Number of the square where the item appears (followed by) mark; 3 mark; 7 mark; 9 mark |
Select an area in the mousegrid where you want to drag the item |
Number of the square where you want to drag the item (followed by) click; 4 click; 5 click; 6 click |