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Filopto Help Manual


Entering Telephone Numbers (XXX)XXX-XXXX


Filopto has many telephone number fields. To assist in creating a uniform formatting of all telephone numbers, an auto format feature has been applied to the telephone entry fields.


For example, by entering a 10 digit number, Filopto will recognize that the first three numbers are to be treated as an area code. Example: (800) 555-5555


If you enter 7 digits Filopto will defaults to a standard seven (7) digit telephone number and automatically places the dash " - " between the appropriate numbers to separate the telephone number.  Example: 555-5555


Please note that entering anything else but 10 or 7 digits in a telephone fields will not activate the auto formatting. For example entering 1-800-888-8888 in the  data fields will not activate the auto formatting and allows for user formatted information to be entered.