Formerly known as Talksoft, in June 2018 it re branded itself as RevSpring. RevSpring has been offering since 1981, communications and billing solutions that increase consumer engagement and payment rates with flexible online, phone, email, and text communications and billing options.
Fully integrated into Filopto, the RevSpring service, allows you to engage your patients with interactive phone, text, email, and mobile app messaging. See System Setting on How to configure the connector and automatic scheduler.
Filopto supports the following RevSpring services:
Automated appointment reminders integrate with your scheduling system. RemindMe is proven to reduce no-shows and engage your patients.
Bring patients back when it's time to schedule an appointment.
•Communicate via phone, text, email and mobile app that it's time to schedule an appointment.
•Customize the message based on the type of appointment that is overdue.
•Reach out to no-shows, and fill in open appointment slots by proactively contacting patients.
Meet Meaningful Use Requirements for preventative/follow up care reminders.
Notify patients when a balance is due.
▪ Create customized messages that naturally progress based on time due and overdue.
•Offer patients the option to transfer the call to the office for questions or to make payments.
•This monthly process of launching calls, which takes but a few minutes, can call hundreds or even thousands of customers or patients.
•Your business's phone number displays on the Caller ID, so patients are not alarmed that they are being called by a collection agency.
•BillReminder sets up in less than an hour, functions in a seamless way and serves as a perfect complement to the RemindMe appointment reminder service.
•The cost for each contact is less than half the cost of a postage stamp. At pennies on the dollar, BillReminder will increase revenue and improve your AR collections.
Broadcast allows you to quickly and easily contact individuals with important on-demand messages via phone, text, and/or email blast such as their lab orders are ready for pickup to patients.
•RevSpring Broadcast is an essential tool to communicate important announcements.
•The easy-to-use wizard allows you to generate a Broadcast message in as little as five minutes.
•Broadcast ties in with the RemindMe service, using previously loaded patient contact information to generate the Broadcast message.
•Broadcast messages can be sent from anywhere that you have internet access, from home or even from your smartphone.
Benchmark and improve your practice with patient feedback. Receive patient feedback and use this information to benchmark and improve your practice with RevSpring Survey+.
•Improve your patients’ experience and your practice's performance with 3-5 minute patient surveys that provide live data.
•Survey+ helps medical practices benchmark physicians and locations across all practices, helping identify needed improvements.
•Log-in through your secure, private, online patient experience dashboard to view results and to benchmark your office against CG-CAHPS data and against other practices on the platform.
•Survey questions are designed by industry leaders and are specialty specific, so there are no surveys to write.
•Automated monthly reports provide you with actionable items you need to increase revenue, patient engagement, and satisfaction.
•Enjoy reliable survey support services that uphold patient confidentiality and achieved 25-40% completion rates.
•Survey+ helps to improve patient outcomes and mitigate risk by making it simple for providers to quickly identify areas where action needs to be taken.
Efficiently communicate lab results.
•Automatically communicating lab results or that lab orders are ready, saves office staff time while still providing personal and clear information.
•RevSpring Lab phone is a HIPAA compliant way to securely deliver lab results.
•Automated messages steer patients to your patient portal where patients can see their lab results.
Branded APP
RevSpring can create a custom mobile app for your practice.
•Further your brand presence with an app made to your specifications, including logo, color scheme, layout, and button options - all at a portion of the cost if you were to do it yourself.
•RevSpring app patient engagement functionality can be embedded in your app if you already have one.
•Utilize the technology of RevSpring Connect, allowing patients to receive relevant, dynamic, and meaningful content to their app -- automatic appointment reminders and other alerts from your office.