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Terminology Input Manager (TIM)

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TIMButtonThe Terminology Input Manager (TIM) is used throughout Filopto to assist users in quickly entering text via voice dictation/recognition or predefined templates or terms into a particular memo field.  Used extensively in the EMR, it allows providers to quickly enter common phrases into a patients file.  This tool can significantly speed up the entering of data into a patient file or EMR exam.


The TIM is user customizable and can be expanded by using the System Settings TIM option.


The TIM Screen is divided into two major sections:


        1) the top section (1)  which are the elements that will be transferred to the memo field selected once the user clicks on the Save and Close button. saveand close



        2) the bottom section (2)  are the templates, items, words and phrases that you entered or customized and can pick insert in a data field.




To add an item to the text section click on the term to select the text to be copied.


TIM Tool Bar


The TIM Tool Bar provides a standard easy to use word editor functions for editing  text.  In addition it also contains specialised features to help document your information:





Enable Voice Dictation/Speech Recognition for T.I.M. (See Tablets,laptop, PC, Speech and Writing Recognition Technology for more information)


Permits users to enter the date and time of an Entry.


Permits users to highlight important text


Various proofing tools are available.  if a word is misspelled you can have TIM identify it with a red squiggly line  the user can configure the tools by using the config button.




Note:  In the middle of the screen a line appears (3) , this line is a screen splitter which permits users to re-size the top and bottom half of the screen.  When your cursor is over these lines, the cursor will change and by clicking on your mouse button you will be able to re-size the screen.




The bottom section contains a tab called Templates, which permits users to create and select from predefined (user customizable - see System Settings) user defined phrases.  The Module/Section tree permits users to create their own unlimited categories and unlimited text that they can then to use in Filopto. (see System settings - TIM).  




EMR Terms:

The EMR Terms tab provides access to all of the EMR terms contained in the EMR Pick lists. EMR Pick List can be user defined to meet your organization specific needs.





Users can define the specific category that will be selected by default when entering TIM as well as restrict certain items,phrases for use by specific employees. See the TIM system settings for more detail.



Searching for Terms


The term grid permits users to quickly locate or find a EMR term. By entering a character or word in a column will cause the grid to position itself on the first term matching the filter.


Important :  The filter is case sensitive.





The tab called Drugs allows users to select from the pre-defined drug list the Rx they wish to prescribe.  The user can enter a drug (example shows Tylenol) and by selecting Find Drug/Refresh list button display corresponding drug options.




Diagnostic Codes:

The Diagnostic Codes permits users to select Diagnostics code


Procedure Codes:

Procedure Tab permits the selection of Procedure codes.