The report component is supplied with an embedded visual report designer, which can be opened at design-time by double-clicking on the TfrxReport component. The designer provides the user with all the tools necessary for designing and previewing reports. The designer’s interface meets current requirements. It contains several toolbars, which can be docked wherever wanted. These toolbar locations are restored every time the designer is opened. Toolbar locations, together with other designer settings, are stored in the registry or, should one be assigned, in an ini-file.
To give the end user of your project the ability to design reports, you should either place a “TfrxDesigner” component from the FastReport component palette onto a Delphi form or add the “frxDesgn” unit to the unit's Uses list (NB: spelling). Using the designer at run-time allows the user to change the report’s appearance, as well as to edit the finished report. Note: you should also place any other Tfrx components that will be used on the Delphi form.
Key to report designer features: 1 – report design workspace 2 – menu bar 3 – toolbars 4 – object toolbar 5 – report page tabs 6 – “Report tree” pane 7 – “Object inspector” pane 8 – “Data tree” pane : elements can be dragged from this pane onto a report page 9 – rulers : a ruler can be dragged onto a report page to create a blue guideline on the page (objects snap to nearby guidelines) 10 – status bar