IMPORTANT: This tab will not be shown.
If you are licensed for the Advanced Employee Manager module, the features listed below are replaced with the Employee Scheduler which provides greater flexibility in creating the work hours and Time Blocks. (see Employee Scheduler).
Provider Office Hours (Basic)
The Office Hours Tab is used to tell Filopto when a Provider is available for appointments. These Provider Office Hours can be different from the actual practice office hours.
Warning: 1) If no office hours for a Provider are entered, you will not be able to schedule appointments for that Provider.
2) If you have licensed the optional Employee Manager, this section is disabled and replaced with the more advanced features available in Employee Scheduler. Employee Scheduler permits unlimited time scheduling (including vacation time) and the creation of random Time Blocks based on individual offices.
Provider Time Blocks (Basic)
The Time Block option allows providers to specify the type of appointments they wish to have at specific times. For example, a Provider can pre-define the appointment types permitted to be scheduled base on his/her preference or work habits. The scheduled time block is repeated every week on the scheduler.
The Time Block tab permits users to define blocks of Provider time for the week when Providers want to specify the type of appointments they wish to take during a given time period.
Day of Week: Specify the day of the week that you wish to define a time block for the Provider.
Start Time: Specify when the time block will begin
End Time: Specify when the time block will end
Description: a text description for the time block
Color: a drop down list of colors you can select to color the time block on the scheduler.
Selected Time Block Appointment Type: The appointment types with check marks will be the appointment types permitted to be scheduled during the defined time block period. Other types of appointments will produce a warning message that the appointment does not match the appointment type for the time block. The user then decides if he wants to respect that time block or can choose to override the appointment.
Time Blocks cannot overlap. If you have more than one time block for the same day and they overlap the scheduler will arbitrarily display only one time block. To get around this limitation, create one Time Block which contains the settings required. The Basic Time Blocks uses a day format which is repeated for every week.
Advanced Time Block (optional) See Employee Scheduler
This optional features allows for the scheduling of Time Block based on an unlimited time schedule. You can schedule time blocks for a day, a week, a month, a year, or for a set period of time. You can schedule vacation time or any other activity which may or may not be repeating itself every week.