The employee work scheduler is part of the Advance Employee Manager optional module and helps schedule the Employees/Providers in your practice. It provides more granularity than the Basic Employee Manager. You can schedule Providers on a minute by minute basis and you can create multiple time blocks for a provider. The employee Work Schedule provide maximum flexibility in scheduling work hours and creating time blocks. If your employees do not work standard hours this optional module allows the flexibility of creating unique work schedules.
Time Blocks are periods of time defined for certain activities. Therefore a provider can stipulate that for a certain time period in a day they wish to only schedule a certain type of appointment. User can also block time for special activities or when they are not available for appointments due to external commitments.
The Search Criteria Section permits users to define the selection criteria to be displayed. To apply the selection criteria place a check mark in the desired check boxes, select the office to view and press the Apply Search Criteria button. The search criteria displayed will change depending on the users criteria selection.
The selected employee schedule will be displayed in the scheduler located to the right of the display screen.. You can select the day, month and year to view for the scheduler by using the display calendars (2) (see help section for calendars) and pressing the Apply View Criteria (4) button.
The view displayed in the scheduler located in the right section of the screen, can be selected by defining the day(s) (2) you wish to see. You can also adjust the time display period by changing the display Time Slot units (1) to be displayed.
Once all of your selection criteria are defined (3) press the Apply View Criteria (4) button to view the selected employees scheduler.
Note that the criteria screen will be moved to the side of the screen for easy access to the employee scheduler. If you require to view or hide the selection criteria you can contract or expand the criteria panel by using the View Criteria (5) button.
Create an Employee Work Schedule
To edit or create an employee schedule, double click on the employee name time block for the time period you wish to schedule for the selected employee listed in the grid. This action will open the employee Personal Schedule Wizard. In this Wizard, you can create a time block by selecting the action you wish to complete and then completing the information presented by the Wizard.
Once a action is selected the Wizard will display the information required to properly complete the task selected.
Once a Time Block is created a user can edit the time block by double clicking on the time block in the scheduler.
If you are licensed for the Advanced Employee Manager module make certain that you have created at least one time block identifying when the provider is working (Normal Working Hours). If no time block is identified some functions in the Scheduler will not function properly. For example: No available time slots will be displayed in the patient scheduler for the provider and the Find Next Available Appointment Time searches will result in a blank list since the provider is never available.
It is recommended that when creating the normal work hours time block for a provider that you use the colour White for display in the scheduler (other colors have the potential to conflict with your other time block selections for the provider.
Time Blocks can be configured to inform users that the employee is absent from the office. Example the Provider is on vacation.
Time Blocks can be very flexible and permit various combinations to allow Providers to better schedule their time. For example, by combining time blocks and offices you can schedule a Provider or employee to work at different times in different offices .
If the employee is a Provider, you can select what type of appointments to allow for the selected Time Block period. This permits a providers to control what type of appointments they wish to see during a given period. The available time blocks are shown at the bottom of page #2 of the Wizard.. Non-Providers do not have this option, in their case the time entered is shown only in the employee work schedule. Place a check mark beside the appointment you wish to permit for the selected time block.
Time Blocks are associated to an employee and can be assigned for a given office, date and time period. Overlapping time blocks can be created..
Office: The office for which this time block applies
Date: The date for this time block. (can be a range of dates)
Start and End Time : The time period this time block is active. For an employee, this may be his/her work hours. For a Provider, it may represent a time block reserved for a specific type of appointment only. If you are doing a Provider time schedule using multiple time blocks, remember that any time not allocated to a time block is considered closed (unavailable for appointments).
Description: a description for the time block. Example, contact lens appointments only.
Out of Office: Makes the employee unavailable for the selected time block. If it is a Provider, his/her schedule will be grayed out as being out of the office.
Color: You can color code the time blocks for easy recognition. If you are entering normal work hours, you may wish to use the color white to represent work hours. The last item listed in the drop down box for color is custom which will open the custom color dialogue box and give access to the 64 million colors pallet.
Selected Time Block's Appointment Types (Providers ONLY) : Places in the appointment scheduler, a block which will only allow appointments of the selected type during the specified time period. Will pop up an alert to users trying to assign another type of appointment. The items having a check mark are the items that are permitted to be scheduled during the time block period.
This section allows users to create multiple instances of the time block being created. For example, if a employee typically works 9AM to 5PM every day, you can have Filopto copy this time block for the specified time period by selecting the appropriate check box and time period.
Note Wizard
The Note Wizard permits users to post a note for a specific date on the scheduler. the employee scheduler will show the note below the employee column name as shown below:
Important: The employee note field supports up to 250 characters.
The note will also appears at the top of the patient scheduler for the selected date
Edit / Delete Time Blocks /Notes
To edit or delete a time block for the selected date, right click your mouse over the note /Time Block and the option menu will be displayed.
Patient Scheduler - Employees Out of Office
In the Patient Scheduler an additional tab is displayed showing the Employee Out of Office for a quick reference and aide in scheduling appointments for employees. The Individuals listed in Yellow are the persons absent today. The list is presented in the descending date order starting with today.