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EMR Billing Service/Procedure Group Manager

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EMRBillingServiceproceduregroupmanagerbuttonThe EMR Billing Service /Procedure Group Manager permits the grouping of various services/procedures recorded in the inventory service section into a user defined billing group that can be used in the EMR billing section. By using groups the provider entering the various EMR procedures in the EMR billing section can save time by only needing to select the appropriate group of procedures and services to quickly enter multiple billing items at once.


A group can store as many services and procedures as required.  


1) to create a group, select the row called "Click Here to add new service group"


2) an entry record is created permitting the user to name the group (2) assign a status (3) and select multiple inventory items (drop down) contained in the inventory service section (4).


For a group to be shown at EMR time it must be saved, have an active status and contain at least one service or procedure.

