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Filopto Help Manual


This tab can record for use,  the electronic image of the employee signature.  The signature can be automatically placed in reports or forms such as a prescription form saving the Provider the time needed to sign the prescription.




The Signature can be captured in two different methods:


1) Import an image of the signature.   The image can be scanned or converted into an image (picture file) and imported into the signature field.


The signature field to use in forms and reports is located in the System table and is called RX_SIGNATURE_IMAGE.  The maximum size of the scan image must be no bigger than 2.5" by 1" or the signature will not show properly on reports and forms. (Scanning a 8"X 11.5" page with your signature on it will create an image 8"x 11.5" in size which will not work, also if your scanner is set to produce images at the 8.5 x 11"size it will also give you issues).  Use your scanner image tool to crop the image to only save the signature portion.



2) Use the Capture Signature button to record via a pen, touch or other mouse type device your signature.

