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Bug Reporting

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Filopto has a built-in exception handling program (bug tracker).  When an exception is triggered by Windows or in Filopto itself, the Filopto Exception Handler software is automatically activated.  It's function is to trap and record the exception/bug for later analysis and correction by our technical staff. A exception/bug dialogue screen is displayed which permit users to e-mail (see item 2 below) to the Filopto Support Team which reviews each bug received and take the appropriate action..  


What is an Exception (bug) ?


In general, an exception is any uncontemplated situation or request made by the program or the Windows operating system  (which includes but is not limited to program errors). The Bug can be cause by Windows or defective equipment such as memory or video cards.  For these reasons it is important for us to get the complete bug report so we may help you eliminate the problem.


Software applications such as Filopto communicate with the operating system and other applications through several different layers of code. When an exception occurs at a certain layer of code, each layer sends the exception to the next layer in order to locate any exception handling code that can deal with the specific exception.  Filopto's built-in exception handling techniques capture this exception message and handles the exceptions and presents the user with the exception/bug report dialogue seen below.


If no exception handling code exists (at any layer) to deal with the exception, a fatal exception error message is generated by the Windows operating system and the PC must be re-started.


The exception error message report can also contain some cryptic information about where the fatal exception error occurred (such as the hexadecimal location within the program's range of memory). This extra information has little value to the user, but may help support people or developers in debugging an application and permanently correcting this error.


The Exception dialogue screen which is presented to the user will resemble as follows:





1)  The error is displayed on the bug report screen (item 1) and indicates the source of the problem.  Problem have a large range of sources, however some are directly related to the user PC.  For example errors such as "Unable to connect to server"  and "No Network found" indicates that the PC  has issues in finding or connecting your network or server, check network connections and see if the server is operating.   Other errors are best sent to us for analysis and bug fix.


2)  Please e-mail us the bug report so we may fix the issue (item 2) .  Click on the Mail Bug Report to send bug report.


Mail Bug Report ( Please e-mail your bug reports to us! Thank You.)

This button will use the users e-mail software to send a report of the exception encountered to our technicians.  No patient or private information or data is sent to us in the exception report.  To view the information being sent, you can select the show bug report button or read the information sent in the e-mail created.  By users sending the error messages they encounter to our technicians, it allows us to review the error and, if applicable, take corrective action in future releases of Filopto to eliminate this error.  Your cooperation in sending the error messages will improve Filopto's reliability and stability.


Show Bug Report

This button will display the detail information provided by your PC identifying the exception it encountered.  Users can view this information.  Please note that some of the information the report contains, may seem cryptic to most users.



3)  The various buttons on the dialogue screen permit the user to choose the action which is appropriate in the given circumstance (item 3).


Continue Application

The continue application button resumes the execution of the command which caused the exception to occur.  If the exception is of a non-critical nature, the program will resume operation.  If the exception is of a critical nature other exceptions will be generated and you may need to re-start Filopto or your computer to reset the system.


Restart Application

The restart application button will cause Filopto to shut down, clearing all errors and incorrect data contained in the system's memory.


Close Application

The close application button will shut down Filopto immediately clearing all errors from memory.  if you encounter multiple errors, one after the another, select close application to reset Windows memory and clear the error.