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Navigation: Troubleshooting > Bug Reporting

How to Interpret a Bug Report

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icon_hpjA typical bug report will contain a lot of information necessary for correcting a problem.  However many of the bug reports typically generated can be corrected by the user.  For example following is the beginning of a bug report.  As you can see it records the date and time of the report with the computer name and user signed on the PC at the time of the error.  The message which is of interest to you is the last line called the "exception message".  This is the reason for the error being reported.





exception message : ISC ERROR CODE:335544375ISC ERROR MESSAGE:unavailable database.


In the above example the error reported states the database is unavailable.  This is typically caused by the client workstations not being able to communicate with the server which contains the Filopto database.  This can be due to several reasons such as network failure, server failure, firewall or security settings.


Most error messages are self explanatory and will list the offending item that you need to address.