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Filopto Help Manual

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Getting Help?

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If you are looking at this section, it is either that you are just curious, which is good, since it means in the future you will know where to find assistance or that you are stuck and need some help or assistance.


Step 1: Check this Help Manual


Filopto offers many different ways to get help. The fastest is to review the various sections of this Help file. You would be surprised at how many people call and are referred to a section of this Help file for their solution.


Most Filopto screen display the help icon which brings the user to the context sensitive help for the specific item they are working with.  For example the image below shows three (3) levels of help available for this form.  Level (1) is specific to the Insurance Company Information screen, while level (2) is specific to the Insurance policy tab and Level 3 is specific to the Billing Rules tab.




Step 2: Need More Help ?


If this manual does not answer your question or you need further assistance, the following steps should be followed:



Please note it is almost impossible to fix a problem that cannot be repeated.   Unfortunately, computers are not perfect and no software is perfect, so it could be that the problem is due to the equipment or other element of your system or network.   In some circumstances, we may need to know what type of equipment and what is installed on your PC to address a problem.


1) If the problem can be repeated, please write down the steps you followed to get the error message. We will need this error message to locate the problem. If an error message is displayed, please write it down. (see Bug Reporting below for more options)


2) If the problem is not of an urgent nature, please e-mail us a description of the problem or use the WEB Support Center to enter the information from step 1 above and we will respond as soon as possible. Please note that we may need further information from you so please include your e-mail address, telephone number and your name so we can contact you. To e-mail us a message send to:


3) If the problem is of an Urgent nature, we offer several support options. If you are registered with one of these options, please call us at (506) 858-0441 . If all our lines are busy, please leave us a message with your name, a small description of your problem and your telephone number so we may contact you as soon as possible.


4) You have found what you believe is a bug? One of those nasty critters that make your life and ours miserable? We want to eliminate them as much as you do, so please send us the Bug Report by e-mail so we can exterminate it.