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Navigation: Front Office Tab > Lab Order

Invoice Lab Order

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The Invoice Lab order screen allows users to select line items from the invoice and to send the appropriate information to a lab for processing.  A green check mark on the lab order button indicates that the patient has a lab order attached to the selected invoice.


By clicking on the lab order type button, a pop up screen is displayed listing all lab orders for the specified type.



The lab order list is color coded (RED to indicate a late delivery of a lab order).  The date used to indicate the delivery status is the Anticipated Delivery Date field in the Lab Information section.




Information is available for the Lab Vendor (1) and for the Patient Notification Information (2) directly in the grid.


Create a Lab Order


To create a lab order open tab related to the type of lab order you wish to create and then select the New Glass Lab order , New Contact lens Lab Order or the New Miscellaneous Lab order button to create the Lab Order record.



Once the Lab Order record is created you will be presented with a Lab Order screen in which you can record the information related to the selected lab order type you selected.




Open Lab Order


Choose the open button to open the lab order screen.


The New Glass Lab Order button, as show in this example, allows the user to create an unlimited number of lab orders for the invoice.


The Lab Order screen supports Glasses Lab Orders , Contact lens Lab Orders and Miscellaneous Lab orders.  The Lab order screen is divided into several sections:







The Rx No. field will only display "Active" prescriptions. No expired prescription will be displayed. The expiry date of the prescription is defined by the user when they create the prescription.




IMPORTANT:  Associated Lab Invoice




Users can return to the Invoice screen associated with the Lab Order by selecting the Open Associated Invoice button located in the button bar at the top of the screen.  


If the invoice is already open it will set the Windows focus (bring forward) on the Invoice screen. it does not close the Lab Order screen but just set the Windows focus (bring forward) on the invoice, the lab order is still open in the background.



Lab Order Information buttons


The Lab order screen has 2 buttons that gives direct access to the Patient information (1) and to the Vendor information (2).





Create Lab Order


Create a Lab order by clicking on the New Lab Order button located at the top of the Lab order List screen.  This will create a lab order record into which you can add the appropriate line items.  You can create as many lab orders as required.


Save Lab Order


To save the lab order you just created click on the Close button.


Exit Lab Order


To close button will close the lab order screen.


Cancel Lab Order


To Cancel a Lab Order place a check mark beside the Canceled Status





Glasses Lab Order


Users can modify the Seg Height, Int Seg Ht, and the Seg Width on the lab order screen without affecting the prescription.  The changes entered in these fields are not saved with the prescription nor do they change the prescription.  They are only saved with this specific lab order.


Contact Lens Order


In the Contact Lens lab order, only the Seg Height can be modified.



Tracking Lab Orders Status


The Lab Order has several status for tracking the lab order.  By completing the statuses a Lab order can be easily located.  The Follow-up status has a associated report to permit users to call and do a satisfaction survey on the patient purchase.  The Notified status has an associated Notes section to record notification information.  The Canceled status requires a reason for the cancellation for tracking purposes.





If you are using the RevSpring auto-notification service you must :


1) Create a Lab Order for the patient

2) Place a check mark in the Inspected (1) status,  to trigger the RevSpring service to be notified that the Lab Order is ready for pickup by the patient

3) RevSpring will automatically place a check mark in the Notified (2) status after it has notified the patient that his/her order is ready for pickup.






The drop down fields for Lab Order Type and Lab Order Reason can be modified by the user via the System Settings option Dispensing section.  For more information see Lab Order Type and Lab Order Reason help sections.



WEB Lab Ordering




A user can enter in the System settings the various web sites for the labs he is using.  Once entered in the System Settings the WEB Lab button will display the list of web lab services.  By clicking on the WEB link the default browser will display the web Lab page (i.e. Product info, Ordering or Tracking  page) entered in the system settings allowing the user to lookup, place or track his order.