The Frames Data WEB Connector is an optional connector software which permits users to select and import inventory items into the Filopto inventory by using the Frames Data WEB service. (You must have purchased the optional link feature from Accra Solutions Inc and you must have a valid Frames Data WEB Internet service subscription for this feature to function.)
To Import Frames Data information
Open the Filopto Inventory Manager and select the Import button and select the Frames Data WEB option.
Find Frame Manufacturer
Once the Frames Data WEB connector is open, to search for a manufacturer or the makers of a frame, you can click the Quick Search button to locate a manufacturer or maker of a frame.
Enter the key word (1) you wish to search for and click on the Find Frames (2) button to display the manufacturer.
Find Manufacturer Product List
The Detail List button allows the user to view the various manufacturers available in the FramesData database. Manufacturers displayed can include Active, Non-Active or All Manufactures.
When selecting a Manufactures in the grid on the left, the Brands, collections and frames made by the Manufacturer will be displayed in the grid to the right of the screen.. The Brand / Collections / Frames listing shown in the grid on the right side of the screen can be refined by selecting various specific criteria and changing the grid default grouping (see Grid for more information on grouping).
Select the Detail List button to view a list of manufacturers (1) supported by the Frames Data service. By clicking on the manufacturer you can view a list of products they offer.(2). Drilling down (3) in the product list will display each product. ( see the Data Grid section of the Help file for more information on how to use the Grid).
The Detail list displays the various manufacturers (1). By selecting a specific manufacturer will display a list of the Brand Name (2) and the Collection (3) they offer. Selecting a specific collection displays a series of buttons (4) that allow you to import the product information into the Filopto Inventory as well as see the frame style and configuration detail.
Based on the number of items and elements( fields, images, Internet speed, etc..) that have to be imported into Filopto, the import process can take several minutes to complete. During the import process your screen will be frozen while FramesData transfers the data over your Internet connection. Once the transfer is completed a Transfer confirmation dialogue is displayed.
Import Brand: will import all Styles under the Brand. A Brand can contain multiple Collections
Import Collection: will import all Styles under the Collection: A Collection can contain multiple Styles
Import Style: button: will import the selected frame Style into Filopto. A style can contain multiple Frames.
The View Style and Configuration (4) button provides further information on the selected frame. Depending on the selected frame, the information in the Style Information configuration grid can be extensive requiring the user to scroll to the right in the display grid to view all of the pertinent information available.
When you select the View Configuration button. The Frames configuration is displayed.
The Settings buttons permits users to enter their credentials for the FrameData service.
The Frames Data Internet Service subscription is based on the number of offices that can use the service. Therefore if you have, for example, 2 offices defined in Filopto, you must acquire 2 licenses from Frames Data for your Frames Data service to function.
The Frames Data Service retrieves the number of active offices defined in Filopto to activate and validate its license and service. If the entered credentials from FramesData do not match the number of ACTIVE offices registered in Filopto, FramesData will refuse your service credentials.
To verify the number of Active offices you have registered in Filopto, go to the Configuration Manager tab, select the Filopto System Settings / Pick Lists button. Choose the General tab and Office Setting button. For each listed office, make certain that the Status field of the office is only set to Active if you actively use this office in Filopto. If you do not use this office you must turn it off (Non-Active) or it will require additional licenses from FramesData to use their service.