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Frames Data Connector

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InventoryImportFrames Data Connector is an optional connector software which permits users to import inventory items into the inventory by using the Frames Data Quarterly DVD service.  (You must have purchased the optional link feature from Accra Solutions Inc and you must have a valid Quarterly Frames Data DVD for this feature to function.)


To Import Frames Data information


You must first install the FramesData software from the FramesData DVD onto your server.


Step 1: Insert the Quarterly Frames Data DVD in the Filopto Server PC.


Step 2: Click on the Frames Data menu option in the Inventory module. The loading of the FramesData DVD will take several seconds.




Step 3: Open the Frames Data DVD, select the manufacturer and items you wish to import from the drop-down list. You can refine your search by manufacturer and Brand the manufacturer offers.  Once the item(s) selected, press the Import the Selected Frames to the Filopto Inventory (Import) button.  Filopto will retrieve the information available and create or update the corresponding item in the Inventory.






Select Manufacturer of the Frames to Import:  A drop-down field allowing you to select the manufacturer from the Frames Data DVD.


Select All The Frames: a button allowing you to select every item on the DVD for import.


Unselect All The Frames: a button allowing you to unselect every item on the DVD for import.


Import the Selected Frames to the Filopto Inventory:  the button which actually copies the information from the Frames Data DVD to the Filopto Inventory Database. The button is only displayed once at least one item is selected for import.


Please note that depending on the speed of the processor, speed of the DVD and memory available, the copy function can take some time.


The transfer process can take an extended amount of time for the transfer of the data from the DVD.  Once the transfer has completed you will see a dialogue screen confirming that the transfer has been completed.





Retail Price Markup panel allows users to load the data with a predefined price into Filopto.  The user can define, based on the Frames Data Wholesale price (column 1), a Retail Price (column 2) to be used by Filopto.  


Enter the markup percentage, a date for the price to become effective and then press the Calculate the Retail Price button.  Once the Retail Price calculated import the Frames data into Filopto.





This activity should optimally be done from the Filopto Server and not from a user workstation since the volume of data being transmitted can be quite large and can cause a slow down in your network performance when transferring the data.



Frames Data is a registered trademark of Frames Data Inc. For subscription services telephone 1-866-265-3267 or visit