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Improve Handwriting Recognition

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Windows has become pretty good at recognizing our scribbles, but if you find that your Windows 10/11 hybrid/tablet PC is still having difficulty converting your written words to text, training it will help tremendously. Here’s how to begin.


Step 1: Start Settings, then, using the search bar on the top left corner, type ‘Language’.


Step 2: Click on ‘Language’ and the traditional Control Panel should open


Step 3: Next to your primary language, click ‘Options’




Step 4: Click ‘Personalize handwriting recognition’




Step 5: Select ‘Teach the recognizer your handwriting style


Step 6: Select either ‘Sentences’ or ‘Numbers, symbols, and letters’ to begin training, and follow the instructions.


The more you train your PC, the better it gets at recognizing your handwriting,