If you are using the EMR module, Providers can enter in the EMR module services or items that are to be added to the patient invoice. These items are called EMR Unbilled Items and can be accessed and billed via the EMR Unbilled Items button on the invoice screen. This function can save entry time and errors from occurring by having Providers specify what services are to be billed as a result of the Providers actions. (see EMR Billing for entering exam billing items).
The EMR Unbilled Item button will be grayed out if no items were entered in the EMR module. If items are available you may be presented with the following screens. if only one EMR record contains unbilled item the first screen is not shown.
Step 1) In the first screen select the EMR you wish to use.
Step2) In the second screen all items available to be billed will be automatically selected. You can accept or change the items to be added to the invoice.
If you add an unbilled item to the invoice by mistake, if you void it on the invoice it will be returned to the unbilled item list, where it can be re-selected and placed on a different invoice, for example.
If the item needs to be recorded, but not billed to the patient you have three options::
1)Include the item on the invoice and change the cost to $0.00 and add a note as to why the item has $0.00 value or
2)Mark it as unbillable (2) in the Billing (1) section of the EMR ( this keeps the history) or
3)Remove it completely from the EMR record using the Remove button (3) – Not recommended since you lose the history