Users can create invoice in three ways:
1) On the appointment scheduler, select the patient appointment and right click your mouse. A popup menu will appear from which you can select the option Create Invoice. This will automatically use the patient from the selected appointment and create a blank invoice. You can also use the create invoice button on the appointment information tab and screen.
2) Use the Front Office tab and click on New Invoice button. This option will open an Invoice Wizard for you to enter the required information.
3) Go to the Patient File and select in the Financial/ Invoice section the Create Invoice button. This will create an invoice for the patient you have selected.
As you can appreciate the options to create an invoice can be simple and fast (option 1) to more complex, requiring additional steps to be taken (option 2 & 3).
The Invoice screen is divided into four areas:
1) Invoice Tool Bar section (Top section)
2) Invoice Header (Left section)
3) Invoice Line Items (Right section)
4) Invoice Summary section (Bottom section)
1) Invoice Tool Bar:
The Tool Bar contains several button and fields to assist users when creating an invoice.
Some buttons will be grayed out when the option is not available to the user. If an item has been entered by the user a check mark will be displayed beside the tab used. In the above example, a Lab Order has been created as denoted by the check mark. The Unbilled Items button is grayed out indicating that there are no unbilled items from the EMR that can be applied to this invoice (If the invoice has been closed, voided, or transferred to QuickBooks no additional items can be added).
Invoice No: Assigned by the system. The invoice number is automatically created by Filopto. The Invoice Number is generated by the system and cannot be modified.
Invoice Date: The date of the invoice (can be changed by the user)
Invoice Status: The current status of the invoice. The system assigns a status based on the actions taken and the user can change the status to reflect the actions taken. A Closed or Voided status does not allow changes to the invoice.
Invoice Status definitions:
1. Pending - This status means the Invoice is available for adding items. The Invoice has not been completed. By default, all new invoices are set to pending allowing more than one user to enter line items to the invoice
2. |
Open - The invoice is open and will appear in the AR |
3. |
Closed - The Invoice has been closed and will no longer appear in the AR |
4. |
Void - The Invoice has been voided and no longer considered by Filopto. You can use this field to void invoices which is equivalent to a deleted invoice. |
5. |
Sent to Collection - The Invoice has been sent to collection |
(see Invoice Status for more information)
Warning: For audit purposes Invoices and invoice line item cannot be deleted. To delete an Invoice or an invoice line item you must change it's status to VOID. Once Voided it will no longer be active.
Invoice Date: The date the invoice was created. If you wish to change the date of the Invoice, choose the date drop-down button to select a different date or you may type the date directly in the Invoice Date field.
The Tool bar contains four tabs: Invoice Summary, Lab Orders, Adjustments and Other. Each tab contains buttons providing access to specific actions.
Invoice Summary Tab
EMR Unbilled items: List the billing items entered at Exam time that have not yet been billed on an invoice. If grayed out it means that no Unbilled items from the EMR are outstanding.
Receive Payment: Records payments on the invoice.
Open Patient File: Opens the selected patient file or select the item of the patient file you wish to see.
Recalculate Invoice: Causes the invoice to be recalculated. (useful if you made a manual change to the invoice.)
Report: List available reports
Forms: List of Forms such invoice that are available.
Print : Prints the default Invoice
The Checkout status for an appointment can be automatically triggered as completed when printing the patient invoice in the invoice screen. If the appointment status is automatically triggered, it will automatically close the patient visit.
To use this "auto" feature, two items must exist:
1) The feature must be turned on in the Filopto system settings. (Yes for ON, No for Off)
2) The invoice must have been created via the Scheduler screen to link the appointment to the invoice.
New Invoice : Create a new Invoice
New Recall: Creates a new recall for the Patient
Close: Closes the invoice screen.
Lab Orders Tab
The lab order tab displays/create/modifies the associated lab orders for this invoice.
Ledger / Other Tab
The Ledger /Other tab contains the action related to making or recording adjustments to the invoice such as:
Write offs,
Credit Memos,
Collections Notes are also contained in this tab.
Add-In button
The Add-ins button permits users to connect other programs, web sites or resources directly into Filopto. Users can add the tools they require to properly complete the various tasks. (see the Common Tools section for more information). |
2) Invoice Header Section
The header section of the invoice screen contains the Patient accounting information and Insurance information of the Invoice.
The Patient section contains the information related to the patient who received the services being billed. From this section a user can enter a Patient No. and retrieve his information by clicking on the button. or select the
button to search for a patient.
The Bill To section contains the information for the guarantor (Bill To) of the invoice. If you make a change to a guarantor information after the invoice is created you can update the invoice information of the guarantor by selecting the Update Guarantor button.
The Scan/ Enter Barcode field provides a quick and easy way of entering purchase items. By placing the screen cursor in this field a user can barcode scan items quickly into the invoice.
The Discount Category field will display any default discount category a user has identified in his patient file. The Discount Category can also be selected by the user from the drop down. The discount category will be applied to the Total Invoice amount. For Example if you have a Seniors Discount Category which provides a 10% discount the 10% discount will be applied to all items on the invoice.
The Office section contains the information needed for accounting purposes and insurance claim processing such as the name of the office, department (if applicable), Place of Service, Referring Physician and Place of Service Code. Most of these fields are automatically completed if the information is provided in Filopto default settings.
Referring Physicians information can be directly entered or selected by clicking on the Referring Physician button.
The second button displays the information related to the selected referring physician.
The Accident Info. button displays the information required to complete the insurance claim related to an accident. This information must be entered before creating the insurance claim.
To close the drop down, click anywhere outside drop down or click the accident button again.
3) Invoice Line Items
Scan / Enter Bar Code: When the cursor is located in this field, the user can bar code items or services and the associated inventory item will automatically be entered on the invoice.
The Invoice Line item sections is divided into rows identifying each line item being billed. The associated buttons for the line item button permits the user to make changes to the line item information.
Users can Edit (1) a line item once it has been entered into the invoice.
The Adjust button (2) permits adjusting the value of the line Item
The Insurance Payment (3) button permits users to manually enter a insurance payment for the line item selected.
Adding a Line Item
1) To enter an item to the invoice, either place the cursor in the Scan/ Enter Barcode field and scan or enter the barcode number then press the enter key (if not programmed in your scanner).
2) click on the Select Item type button for the item type you wish to add.
This will display the Line Item screen for the selected item type. The Select Item button will allow you to select from the inventory the item required.
2) Enter the Quantity if more than one (and not defined in the inventory as more than one). Filopto enters a quantity of one (1) by default. This default value of one(1) can be changed in the inventory pricing tab for the item if it is sold in quantities greater than one(1)..
In the Inventory item screen you can set the default quantity.
3) If you are entering a manual invoice enter the Statement, Description and Unit Price for the item. If the item is selected from the inventory this information is automatically entered.
4) Enter the information required.
5) If you wish to provide a discount for the line Item click on the Discounts column and enter the appropriate information.
4) Invoice Summary Section
As items are added to the invoice this section will display the total for the invoice. Divided into three sections. The summary will display the amount owed by the Patient, the amount being billed to an Insurance company and the total of both the patient and Insurance amounts in the Invoice Total section.
The tax fields are automatically completed using the stipulated tax rates. The tax rates used are define in the System Setting / Office Settings.
Invoice Alert buttons
Located between the Message and Summary sections, the alert buttons will appear if action is to be taken by the user. The first button is the Financial Alert button followed by buttons identifying actions required resulting from directives from the provider entered in the EMR module.
5) Invoice Message Section
The Amount Due To Date field displays the outstanding invoices total not yet paid by the patient.
Credit Balance field displays the Credit memos due to the patient.
Invoice Message: List of User defined Comments that can be added to an Invoice
6) Create Insurance Claim
The Insurance section will display the default insurance policies on record for the patient. In the above example the patient only has one default policy in his patient file. If he had multiple (default) policies registered the section would be automatically adjusted to display the polices such as shown below.
Note that the Claims button will show (0) this is the number of claims created using the insurance policy shown. As you create claims for the invoice a number (as illustrated above) will be shown indicating the number of claims created for each type (primary, secondary third)
The user can change the patient default insurance policies by selecting the drop down button beside the appropriate insurance section. If no insurance company claim policy is shown it means the patient has no defined insurance claim provider. You can create a claim policy by selecting a claim policy in the patient file insurance section.
Once a claim is created the insurance policy for that selection cannot be changed. To change a policy once a claim has been created the claim must be first voided and then a new insurance policy can be selected.
To create a claim select the appropriate Claim button and a drop down containing the claim information will be displayed.
The Prepare / Update button will create or update an existing claim. Once a claim is create it will appear in the grid below the Prepare / Update button. You can view/edit the claim by double -clicking on the claim record in the grid.
WEB Base Claim submission
If you entered in the Insurance company profile a web site a Go To Insurance Website button is displayed permitting the user to enter, if appropriate, the claim via the insurance website interface or consult the insurance web site for information (see Insurance Companies and Plans).