Each Information Block has specific properties that can be modified by the user. These properties will affect the final display of the screen. By right mouse clicking an Information Block you will be presented with a pop up option menu which gives access to the information block properties.
For example the properties permits a user to align an information block to various screen positions. in the image above the Horizontal Alignment can be defined base on various options such as to the Left, Center, Right of the screen, or within the client ( this is the object that contains the information block) or to the parent ( the object which controls the information block, in this example it would be the group Patient Management).
Other properties is users can have a border drawn around the information bloc, or the user can even rename the information block to something else.
The option Layout Direction option determines the layout of the screen. A Screen or Group can be designed using either a Horizontal , Vertical or Tabbed Look. If the tabbed look is selected the screen will display tabs such as illustrated below. note that the image shows that you can combine properties to maximize the layout options available. The tab look, as shown in the image below also shows that you can combine looks like combining vertical and the tab options for the displayed screen.