The Invoice Manager section is divided into two tabs;
All Invoices: permits users to quickly locate and view patient invoices. Its function is a lookup of all invoices contained in the invoice file of the Dispensing module.
Invoices with Missing Lab Orders: is a list of invoices that have ophthalmic lens or contact lens listed on the invoice but no lab order associated with the item.
All Invoice Tab:
You can filter the information displayed by selecting to show only invoices for a particular Patient, Provider or Insurance company. Note that by default, only invoices having balances due appear in the list (this presentation has been selected for display speed).
Various other filtering option are also available such as:
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Search by Invoice Number |
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Search by Patient Name |
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Search By Patient Number |
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Search by Time Period |
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Invoices with no Balance |
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Invoices with a Positive Balance Due |
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Invoices with a Negative Balance Due |
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Pending Invoices |
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Opened Invoices |
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Voided Invoices |
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Closed Invoices |
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Bad Debt Invoices |
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Invoices with Claims not Created |
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Search by Provider |
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Search by Office |
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Search by Insurance Claims |
Once a filter criteria is entered select the Apply Search Criteria on to apply the filter.
You will notice that some invoices are colour coded. Invoices in blue are invoices having a status of "Pending". Pending Invoices are invoices which have not been finalized and that several users can access to insert items into it before it is finalized. Each workstation can add their charges or fees to the invoice with the last individual finalizing the invoice for the client. This is also referred to as a Progressive Invoice.
Located at the bottom of the screen is a message displaying the number of invoices shown out of the total number of invoices currently in the database.
The New Invoice button permits users to create new patient invoices.
The Open a Specific Invoice section permit a user to quickly locate an invoice using the invoice number.
The Print List button allows for a quick printout of a patient's invoice listing grid.
Find / Clear Buttons
The Find and Clear buttons located at the bottom of the Invoice List grid allows users to enter a search criteria to Find an Invoice. The Clear button clears the search criteria. Users can structure their search criteria by either entering a word, a partial word or a series of words separated by the "+" sign which means include or the "-" sign which means exclude. (see Grid Searching for more information)
The Find function in the grid will only search the items loaded in the grid. Therefore if you first selected a sub-category causing items to not be included in the grid display, the find, will only be searching in that sub-category. To search for all items in the record set, for example, searching for patients you must first select to display all the patients before you do your search.
Note: some data sets can be extremely large and may take several minutes to load onto the grid in your computer ( for example displaying 100,000 Invoices in a grid will require your PC to download and display these items in the grid (it can take a several minutes based on the speed of your computer).
The Invoice Search Criteria section is designed to make most Invoice search, fast and efficient without requiring users to load of all invoices files in the grid.
Deleting Invoices
Once an invoice is created you may need to delete the invoice for some reason. For auditing purposes Invoices cannot be deleted, However they can be Voided which has the same effect. See the help on Delete Void Invoice
Invoices with Missing Lab Orders Tab:
Invoices with Missing Lab Orders is a list of invoices that have ophthalmic lens or contact lens listed on the invoice but no lab order associated with the item.
Users can select the time frame and office to review. By selecting the appropriate criteria and pressing the Apply Search Criteria button a list of Invoice meeting the criteria will be displayed. Each invoice can be open using the open button beside the invoice.