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Filopto Help Manual


Filopto WEB Appointment service provides your patient with an Internet web site where they can request an appointment with your office.  This WEB Service is offered as a middle man remote service to which your office and your patient connect, to record or retrieve the appointment requested.  The service is HIPAA (USA), PIPEDA (CANADA) and PHI Act (CANADA) compliant and incorporates a number of security features to insure patient privacy and the integrity of the appointment data.






The service is structured in such a manner that it isolates your Filopto Office Server and protects it against Internet attacks or possible hacking resulting from the WEB appointment service.   Your Filopto Server, located in your office, initiates a secure and encrypted connection to Accra's WEB Appointment server and pushes up to Accra's WEB Appointment server a list of available appointment times and retrieves any appointment requested.  This connection is done on a scheduled basis and then immediately disconnected once completed, severing any connections to the outside world.


The Windows Service located on your Filopto server initiates the connection to Accra's servers making it impossible for any Internet connection being initiated from outside your office.   The connection can only be done one way, a connection to Accra's Servers.  It cannot accept or make any other type of connection. If it cannot connect and properly authenticate itself to Accra's WEB Server the connection is immediately dropped by Accra WEB Servers.  Accra WEB Server cannot connect to your Filopto Server, only you can connect to Accra WEB Server.


On Accra's WEB Appointment servers the information provided by your Filopto Server is stored in a secure database that cannot be accessed via the Internet. This type of connection insures that no Internet user can connect to your Filopto Server or access or retrieve any patient appointment information.


The web appointment service located on your Filopto server must provide the correct encrypted communications codes, username and password and security keys before it will be permitted to transfer or retrieve any information.  With this type of communication requirements, spoofing of the Accra WEB server is not possible.