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WEB Appointments

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The optional WEB Appointment module permits patients to go to your web site and request an appointment (for more information see WEB Appointments).


The Web Appointment app permits users to select from the available time slots from your patient Scheduler and request an appointment. The service is private and secured protecting the patient as well as your Filopto server.


Your Filopto administrator defines the appointments parameters offered in the app,  based on the providers, office, appointment types defined in the Filopto system settings.



MobileWebAppointment       BrowserWebAppointment


The WEB Appointments request made by patients are displayed in the scheduler appointment requested section of the scheduler.


The  WEB Appointment service is flexible and allows you to easily define the parameters for providing in a secure and private manner the list of available appointments.

Based on your pre-defined parameters, your patients will only see the available time slots, providers or office you want them to see.  To learn more see: WEB Appointment Connection Settings