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Laptop, Tablet and other Wireless Devices Warnings

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Tablets Laptops





Tablets, Laptops and other mobile device typically come with various operating modes turned on to save battery life.  Typically called Shutoff, Hibernate and Sleep mode, these settings are designed to make the batteries of the device last longer.


However, when these modes are activated they shut off all programs instantly ( including network cards) causing them to no longer communicate with the server or network.  This action is seen by Filopto and other programs as an immediate disconnect or lost of signal which instantly terminates your secure session.  If this action happens before you have saved your work your data will not be saved.


We strongly recommend that if you are going to use these devices that the sleep, hibernate and other such mode be turned off or you may accidentally get disconnected and lose data.  




1) Laptops can also cause this to occur when closing the laptop cover.  Verify how your device is configured, how it works and work appropriately to insure the integrity of your data.


2) Some jurisdiction require by LAW that your local or  wireless network be fully protected, even stipulating the security level you must have at a minimum. Verify your jurisdictions requirements before making use of and electronic devices such as PC's, laptop, tablets, and others.