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Product End of Life Policy (EOL)

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Given the accelerating pace of innovation and change, it’s important to know you can rely on your most trusted vendor to be there as you manage the systems that run your business.  Products reach the end of their Product Life Cycle for a number of reasons. These reasons may be due to market demands, technology innovation and development driving changes in the product, or the products simply mature over time and are replaced by functionally richer technology. While this is an established part of the overall product life cycle, Accra Solutions Inc. recognizes that end-of-life milestones often prompt companies to review the way in which such end-of-life milestones impact the Filopto products in their networks. With that in mind, we have set out below Filopto's end-of-life policy to help customers better manage their end-of-life transition.


1) the End-of-Life Date for a major release (version 9, version 10, version 11) is reached when Accra Solutions Inc makes commercially available the next major release of the product on the Accra Solutions Inc. Filopto website.


2) Regular (weekly,monthly, bi-monthly, quarterly, annually) updates to the current major release are made available to users having a maintenance agreement or using the subscription service for the Filopto product. Users can verify if they are at the latest version by using the "Check for Update" option in the Filopto Help menu.  Registered users having a valid and current maintenance agreement can download the update using the "Check for update"  option or by login in the client portal on the Filopto web site. (  


3) Users having a valid and current maintenance agreement or who are on a valid subscription service, or on our cloud service are eligible to receive all update, upgrades and new major versions of Filopto.


4) All major release of the Filopto product is announced prior to its release via client notification, and or email to registered clients, and/or newsletter, and or via the Filopto web site, and or Twitter, and or Facebook, and or Linkedin, and or other communication medium.


5) The product is no longer supported on any operating system no longer supported by it's manufacturer (mainstream support). Microsoft end of life support for server software is typically 5 years after its initial release (mainstream support) . See Microsoft web site for more information.



Microsoft has an End Of Life cycle for the Windows Operating System.  The table below shows the estimated EOL at the time of the writing of this page for the Windows OS versions. Visit Microsoft web site for the latest changes and announcement related to the EOL (Product Life Cycle) for their products.



Operating systems


End of mainstream support *

Extended End Date **

Windows 10


October 18 2022

All Versions

October 14, 2025

Windows 11


TBA 2026-2027


Windows Server 2019

Standard/Essential/ Datacenter


January 9th 2024

January 9, 2029

Windows Server 2022

Standard/Essential/ Datacenter


October 13 2026

Oct 14, 2031


* Mainstream support means that Windows fixes and new features will be available as well as all security updates.

** Extended End Date means that only security updates will be provided