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Filopto Help Manual




The Filopto Application Server program ( FiloptoServer.exe) is a Windows Service (a Windows service is a computer program that operates in the background (always on)) that is used to manage users, features and receive product licenses and updates from Accra Solutions Inc.  it is located on the server, in the Filopto program directory (C:\Program Files(x86)\Filopto10). by default is set to be automatically started each time your server starts. The service communicates via port 80 to send and retrieve license, Latest News, Tips and Tricks, and update information, you must permit this application to be able to use port 80 and the Internet.


Important :

Depending on your Filopto configuration the service programs may requires open access to port 25,26, 80, 2500, 587, 3050, 3051 and 5220.  If you use a Firewall or proxy, make sure that the program has open access to these ports on the server.





The Filopto Services Server (FiloptoServer.exe) is installed automatically on the server.  You can manage the service by using the Windows Services console via the  Microsoft Management console (mmc)  located in the Windows Control Panel / Administrative Tools section or by asking Microsoft Cortana for Services.








The service program is designed to verify access rights to Filopto.  When Filopto is started on a workstation or terminal server the program immediately connects to the Filopto Application Server service located on the server.  This connection then verifies if the PC and user are authorized to run Filopto.  It provides the Filopto users with the authorization permitted by the licensing and security settings in Filopto.




If this service is shut down (not running) users will not be able to sign on to Filopto.




Firebird Server Services


The Filopto database, Firebird, can also run several Windows Service programs in the background.  If these services are stop or not started Filopto will not function.  You can use the Windows Service Microsoft Management Console to administer these services. These services start with the name Firebird.  For more Information see Filopto & Firebird Services.




If you receive the following error,  it is due to the Filopto Application Server service not being started, or in the process of starting.  Verify that the two services shown above (located in the Filopto Server) are Running.

