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Filopto Help Manual

When you select an information block and right click the mouse,  an option menu is displayed providing you with the options available for the selected object.





The Option menu will resemble the following:




Undo/Redo:  You can undo, redo, or repeat many actions


Expand All: Will expand (open) all containers in your template


Collapse All: Will collapse (close) all containers in your template


Delete:  will delete the object selected


Horizontal/Vertical Alignment: Controls how elements will be displayed.


Client: refers to the client element the object is attached to


Parent Managed : means the object position will be dictated by the parent object into which the object is located.




Layout Direction: defines if the element will be lay out in a Horizontal, Vertical or Tab format.




Borders: define the object with a Border for easy viewing.


Expand Button: Places a expand/collapse button on the selected group.



In the editor the Expand button icon is displayed to the right of the Information Block.  At Exam time, the expand button is shown to the left of the information block, similar to all other expand/collapse icons.



Group / UnGroup: Permits users to group/ungroup elements into one object.


Caption: if selected will display the caption for the object.


Caption Position:  permits users to define where a caption will be displayed.




Caption Horizontal / Vertical Alignment: defines the position of the caption



Rename: allows an object to be renamed by the user.