This tab describes fields participating in the data model. Field trees hold lists of all defined fields.
Adding Data Fields: To add a data field, right-click the list and choose Add Field. Then, in appearing dialog, choose Table, its field and click OK
Adding Calculated (Virtual) Fields: To add a virtual (i.e., calculated) field, right-click the list and choose Add Virtual Field.
Delete Fields: To delete a field, choose it from the list, right-click it and choose Delete Field.
Edit Fields: To edit a field, choose it from the list and change its properties in the editor appearing in the dialog's right side.
Move Fields: To move the field from one group to another (or to change its appearance order within the group), drag it to the appropriate place.
Field Property Editor: The field's property editor has General, Operations and Field Editor tabs described below.
General Tab: Display name is a string, meaning how the field name will be displayed for an end-user
Group Name: Means the group holding the field. This "group" doesn't affect any built SQL text; it's introduced just for user's convenience when it comes to choosing a field in the visual query builder. Choose a group from the drop-down list or enter a new group name.
Differences Between Field Types: Following parameters are different for data and virtual fields.
For data field: Quote field name check box means if the field name should be put in double quotes in SQL statements; useful for field names including spaces and national characters.
For virtual field: Field type is data type for resulting field. See Field types for details.
Operations Tab: Operations tab holds lists of all operations applicable to the field. Add or remove operations by corresponding buttons. Del All button clears the operation list completely. See Operations Tab for details on operations stored in data models.
Field Editor Tab: Field Editor Tab defines how the field value (or rather the value of a parameter to which the field is compared and having the same type as the field) will be edited in the visual query builder. Choose way of editing form Editor type drop-down list. Editor parameters vary depending on editor type.
Edit: Field will be edited in plain edit field. Default value is value for the field if one isn't specified. Use mask check box indicates if an editor mask should be used when editing the field. See Editor Mask for details on mask syntax.
List: User will be prompted for field value by a fixed list. Items column stands for values accepted as the choice result (and actually inserted into SQL text); Values are captions displayed to the user in the pop-up list.
Custom: Field is modified by an editor specific to the field's type (e.g., a Calendar dialog for the Date-typed field)
SQL: User is prompted by a list formed by the SQL statement entered below. Much like List Editor type, first column of the resulting data set is interpreted as actual field value and the second one is used as captions for the list.