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Using Other Data Dictionary

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Filopto comes with several pre-built data dictionaries that you can change or use as you please (located in the reports folder). Different data dictionaries perform queries on a different set of data tables giving added flexibility in querying the database.


A data dictionary is nothing more than a selection of tables from which you can query information. By creating several data dictionaries, a user can optimize the queries and specify which data he/she is interested in reporting upon. The data dictionary also provides the added flexibility of creating your own views based on the data and therefore report the data available in the database as you wish.


You can create or load your own data dictionaries by selecting the appropriate feature in ASK a Question




This options permit you to change or create your own data dictionary. For example, by selecting the Edit Data Dictionary button a dialogue screen is displayed from which you can load a different data dictionary.




By selecting the Open button, you are presented with a directory list of available data dictionary files (located in the reports folder).




Located in your Filopto Reports directory, we have provided other data dictionaries for you that you can use to query different information. In the example above, you will note that the default data dictionary is called DDPatientAppointments.dbs . The data dictionaries are specially made to query the items described by their name. You can create your own or modify the ones provided and save them in the Filopto directory for your use.


To select one of the other data dictionaries, simply select it from this dialogue screen and it will be loaded into the Ask a Question program.