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Navigation: Troubleshooting

Common Network Errors

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The more common error message our Help Desk have to deal with are typically one of the following:



No Network Found

Unavailable Database

Unable to Connect to Server


The above three errors are typically caused by a Network Failure.  This means, that the connection (WI-FI or physical cable) is broken and your PC is unable to talk to your Filopto Server.  If this problem is wide spread you may need to re-boot (re-start) your Filopto server and workstations so they can re-establish a new connection to the server.  If it only affect one PC, it could be the result of a loose cable.  In any event, the errors are saying that you are unable to communicate between the affected PC and the server. You may need to contact your network technician for resolution.


Filopto will not Start

Windows Error

Windows Socket Error

Windows Actively Refused Access


These types of errors are typically caused by a security / firewall issue  (read the error message, it may state the firewall port that Windows is having an issue with).  If you have the Windows Firewall activated or some third party firewall (can be included in your Anti-Virus software)  this software may be miss-configured refusing Windows request to run Filopto.  You may need to authorize the firewall to permit Filopto to run.


If the error appears on a New PC, review your Windows Data Execution Prevention (DEP) settings since by default it may be set for Windows to only run Microsoft software and nothing else.  You may need to authorize the Windows DEP to run Filopto..(see Windows Help file for more information on the Windows DEP feature).