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Credit Card Processing (USA)

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Filopto provides an integrated solution for credit card processing.  Incorporated in the Invoice payment screen is the ability to take and transact credit card type payments.


To initialize Filopto to be able to do credit card transsaction you must complete the following steps.



1) Register with our Financial Partner TransNational Payments.  Once you have an account with them you can link your account to Filopto.


2)  Enter your Account Information into Filopto.  Go to the Configuration Manager Tab (1), select the Filopto System Settings /Pick List button (2), select the Dispensing Tab (3) and select the Electronic Payment Settings (4).  Select your payment supplier from the dropdown and enter your account username and Password. Save the information and your account has now been linked with Filopto.




3) Once Filopto is linked to an active Credit Card payer, The Payment Screen in Filopto will display the option to be able to do the Credit Card transaction directly from the payment screen.